Tuesday, October 3, 2023

In my Own world



It is easy to get lost in a world that you can only see in your mind. It is easy to romanticize a life that is far from my current reality. Romanticizing is not a terrible thing when it does not stay locked away in your head. Fantasies are always better than your reality, it is dangerous to let your mind stay idle for too long. This photo series will be taking you on a journey of me being in my own world. What is it like being in a room with just me or with family. Every day is different. I realize as a person with so many distractions I do not know how to enjoy the mundane, to slow things down. To try not to be so easily distracted by social media. So, the question is what does my world look like without distractions?  
    Carrie Mae Weems “The Kitchen Table” and Cindy Sherman inspired me with this project. I wanted to create a safe place for myself. To create a world where comparison does not exist. Coming to grips within yourself that you are not the stereotype “perfect woman.” “I think it’s very important that as a Black woman she’s engaged with the world around her; she’s engaged with history, she’s engaged with looking, with being.” (Weems) I chose this quote because I realize it is hard to just be. What would your world look like if you just compared yourself to yourself? Or to just be conscious of yourself and learn yourself. There is a quote that says “a mind is a terrible thing to waste but a wonderful thing to invest in.” If I change the way I think of myself my world would get better. If you have time to invest in other people's lives, you have time to change your own. What life looks like without being inspired by the status quo. Their vulnerability pains me — how badly they want to achieve some kind of glamour, how magnificently they miss the mark. (The ugly beauty) 
    Comfortability is not something that comes easy. Especially when you are hyper-focused on 
everything you are not. One thing I love about Carrie Mae Weems is she is comfortable with 
who she is. "She finds pleasure, and comfort with herself" (Weems) It is easy to lose yourself in this world. I think you will always lose yourself in this world if you do not have a firm foundation. Everyone’s world is not the same. "These women are not metaphors, they are not waiting to be represented, rescued or destroyed. They are gloriously, catastrophically themselves, and we meet them on their own terms Every day I have learned how to enjoy the mundane life, the unproductive days, the mental breaks, a good crying session. In those days I learned to take a moment at a time with one prayer in each moment.  


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